What is a good method/practice I can employ to keep identical code snippits in two places in sync? Also, help...


If I could get some input on the design of this, I would be grateful as well.

Note that I'm programming in python.

There's a function F that takes lots of data, runs some analysis on it (taking maybe a minute or more) to compute some crucial fruits theta, and then spits out a function g(x), that has a lot of functionality that it can do efficiently solely by accessing theta, the fruits of analyzing the data.

Now one might wish to save this g function. So I designed the following functionality

theta = g(mode="get theta") # gets the `theta` value that `g` was using
# perhaps store `theta` as a pickle file, or a json file, whatever
# read `theta` from its storage
restored_g = restore_g(theta) # restore_g is a function that
# takes a `theta` and gives you
# a `g` that runs based off that
# `theta`

If you want a concrete example to think about, think interploation. F gets a bunch of data points, and after processing, spits out an interpolation function g. You can't save a function though, so you save the theta that g was using, and then you can theoretically restore the interpolator later on with a restore_g function using that saved theta.

The thing is, though, that the code for F and restore_g will look like this

def F(data):
theta = do_tons_of_processing(data)
def g(args):
return do_stuff(args, theta)
return g

def restore_g(theta):
def g(args):
return do_stuff(args, theta)
return g

The problem here is that

def g(args):
return do_stuff(args, theta)

appears twice, exactly the same, seemingly by necessity. I can't think of a way around editing that snippet of code in both places whenever I want to make a change to g, like what arguments it takes, the description of what it does, etc. How can I best address this?

Two more related questions I have are: what is the best practice for describing the functions?

Normally, one would do something like

def f(x):
"""concise description

longer description

x : int
what the input means

y : float
what the return value is

maybe some examples
return 0.2*x

But my F and restore_g themselves return a function g, whose inputs and outputs should also be described. So where should this description happen? And how can it be maximally synced between F and restore_g with minimal redundancy?

Finally, what is the "best" (or at least, a good) practice for going about g having multiple orthogonal purposes? Sometimes, it might take an x and a y array as arguments to spit out something. Sometimes it could just take an x value to spit out something. And sometimes, it'll take "get theta" so it knows to spit out theta. Is it considered inappropriate to just overload the x argument so that if it's fed "get theta" (or some other keyword), then g will follow the "get theta" functionality? Is it better to create a whole other argument called mode or some such that can be set to "get theta" or what have you?

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chausies is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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    If I could get some input on the design of this, I would be grateful as well.

    Note that I'm programming in python.

    There's a function F that takes lots of data, runs some analysis on it (taking maybe a minute or more) to compute some crucial fruits theta, and then spits out a function g(x), that has a lot of functionality that it can do efficiently solely by accessing theta, the fruits of analyzing the data.

    Now one might wish to save this g function. So I designed the following functionality

    theta = g(mode="get theta") # gets the `theta` value that `g` was using
    # perhaps store `theta` as a pickle file, or a json file, whatever
    # read `theta` from its storage
    restored_g = restore_g(theta) # restore_g is a function that
    # takes a `theta` and gives you
    # a `g` that runs based off that
    # `theta`

    If you want a concrete example to think about, think interploation. F gets a bunch of data points, and after processing, spits out an interpolation function g. You can't save a function though, so you save the theta that g was using, and then you can theoretically restore the interpolator later on with a restore_g function using that saved theta.

    The thing is, though, that the code for F and restore_g will look like this

    def F(data):
    theta = do_tons_of_processing(data)
    def g(args):
    return do_stuff(args, theta)
    return g

    def restore_g(theta):
    def g(args):
    return do_stuff(args, theta)
    return g

    The problem here is that

    def g(args):
    return do_stuff(args, theta)

    appears twice, exactly the same, seemingly by necessity. I can't think of a way around editing that snippet of code in both places whenever I want to make a change to g, like what arguments it takes, the description of what it does, etc. How can I best address this?

    Two more related questions I have are: what is the best practice for describing the functions?

    Normally, one would do something like

    def f(x):
    """concise description

    longer description

    x : int
    what the input means

    y : float
    what the return value is

    maybe some examples
    return 0.2*x

    But my F and restore_g themselves return a function g, whose inputs and outputs should also be described. So where should this description happen? And how can it be maximally synced between F and restore_g with minimal redundancy?

    Finally, what is the "best" (or at least, a good) practice for going about g having multiple orthogonal purposes? Sometimes, it might take an x and a y array as arguments to spit out something. Sometimes it could just take an x value to spit out something. And sometimes, it'll take "get theta" so it knows to spit out theta. Is it considered inappropriate to just overload the x argument so that if it's fed "get theta" (or some other keyword), then g will follow the "get theta" functionality? Is it better to create a whole other argument called mode or some such that can be set to "get theta" or what have you?

    share|improve this question

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    chausies is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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      If I could get some input on the design of this, I would be grateful as well.

      Note that I'm programming in python.

      There's a function F that takes lots of data, runs some analysis on it (taking maybe a minute or more) to compute some crucial fruits theta, and then spits out a function g(x), that has a lot of functionality that it can do efficiently solely by accessing theta, the fruits of analyzing the data.

      Now one might wish to save this g function. So I designed the following functionality

      theta = g(mode="get theta") # gets the `theta` value that `g` was using
      # perhaps store `theta` as a pickle file, or a json file, whatever
      # read `theta` from its storage
      restored_g = restore_g(theta) # restore_g is a function that
      # takes a `theta` and gives you
      # a `g` that runs based off that
      # `theta`

      If you want a concrete example to think about, think interploation. F gets a bunch of data points, and after processing, spits out an interpolation function g. You can't save a function though, so you save the theta that g was using, and then you can theoretically restore the interpolator later on with a restore_g function using that saved theta.

      The thing is, though, that the code for F and restore_g will look like this

      def F(data):
      theta = do_tons_of_processing(data)
      def g(args):
      return do_stuff(args, theta)
      return g

      def restore_g(theta):
      def g(args):
      return do_stuff(args, theta)
      return g

      The problem here is that

      def g(args):
      return do_stuff(args, theta)

      appears twice, exactly the same, seemingly by necessity. I can't think of a way around editing that snippet of code in both places whenever I want to make a change to g, like what arguments it takes, the description of what it does, etc. How can I best address this?

      Two more related questions I have are: what is the best practice for describing the functions?

      Normally, one would do something like

      def f(x):
      """concise description

      longer description

      x : int
      what the input means

      y : float
      what the return value is

      maybe some examples
      return 0.2*x

      But my F and restore_g themselves return a function g, whose inputs and outputs should also be described. So where should this description happen? And how can it be maximally synced between F and restore_g with minimal redundancy?

      Finally, what is the "best" (or at least, a good) practice for going about g having multiple orthogonal purposes? Sometimes, it might take an x and a y array as arguments to spit out something. Sometimes it could just take an x value to spit out something. And sometimes, it'll take "get theta" so it knows to spit out theta. Is it considered inappropriate to just overload the x argument so that if it's fed "get theta" (or some other keyword), then g will follow the "get theta" functionality? Is it better to create a whole other argument called mode or some such that can be set to "get theta" or what have you?

      share|improve this question

      New contributor

      chausies is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
      Check out our Code of Conduct.

      If I could get some input on the design of this, I would be grateful as well.

      Note that I'm programming in python.

      There's a function F that takes lots of data, runs some analysis on it (taking maybe a minute or more) to compute some crucial fruits theta, and then spits out a function g(x), that has a lot of functionality that it can do efficiently solely by accessing theta, the fruits of analyzing the data.

      Now one might wish to save this g function. So I designed the following functionality

      theta = g(mode="get theta") # gets the `theta` value that `g` was using
      # perhaps store `theta` as a pickle file, or a json file, whatever
      # read `theta` from its storage
      restored_g = restore_g(theta) # restore_g is a function that
      # takes a `theta` and gives you
      # a `g` that runs based off that
      # `theta`

      If you want a concrete example to think about, think interploation. F gets a bunch of data points, and after processing, spits out an interpolation function g. You can't save a function though, so you save the theta that g was using, and then you can theoretically restore the interpolator later on with a restore_g function using that saved theta.

      The thing is, though, that the code for F and restore_g will look like this

      def F(data):
      theta = do_tons_of_processing(data)
      def g(args):
      return do_stuff(args, theta)
      return g

      def restore_g(theta):
      def g(args):
      return do_stuff(args, theta)
      return g

      The problem here is that

      def g(args):
      return do_stuff(args, theta)

      appears twice, exactly the same, seemingly by necessity. I can't think of a way around editing that snippet of code in both places whenever I want to make a change to g, like what arguments it takes, the description of what it does, etc. How can I best address this?

      Two more related questions I have are: what is the best practice for describing the functions?

      Normally, one would do something like

      def f(x):
      """concise description

      longer description

      x : int
      what the input means

      y : float
      what the return value is

      maybe some examples
      return 0.2*x

      But my F and restore_g themselves return a function g, whose inputs and outputs should also be described. So where should this description happen? And how can it be maximally synced between F and restore_g with minimal redundancy?

      Finally, what is the "best" (or at least, a good) practice for going about g having multiple orthogonal purposes? Sometimes, it might take an x and a y array as arguments to spit out something. Sometimes it could just take an x value to spit out something. And sometimes, it'll take "get theta" so it knows to spit out theta. Is it considered inappropriate to just overload the x argument so that if it's fed "get theta" (or some other keyword), then g will follow the "get theta" functionality? Is it better to create a whole other argument called mode or some such that can be set to "get theta" or what have you?

      python programming-practices coding-style version-control functional-programming

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      asked 4 hours ago




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      chausies is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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          3 Answers





          Why not call restore_g from F?

          def F(data):
          theta = do_tons_of_processing(data)
          return restore_g(theta)

          def restore_g(theta):
          def g(args):
          return do_stuff(args, theta)
          return g

          share|improve this answer


            Actually, after meditating upon it a bit more (and getting over my personal aversion for it), I realize now that OOP is the obvious solution.

            The entire thing should be designed in the OOP paradigm, not the functional programming paradigm.

            Something like this:

            class F(object):
            """description of what `F` does


            def __init__(self, data=None, theta=None):
            """If data provided, computes theta. Else uses provided theta."""
            if theta is None:
            self.theta = compute_stuff(data)
            self.theta = theta

            def get_g(self):
            """here's how to use `g`"""
            def g(args):
            return do_stuff(args, self.theta)
            return g

            If I'm not mistaken, that takes care of all my problems. Optionally, I could also add a get_theta method as well.

            share|improve this answer

            New contributor

            chausies is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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              What is a good method/practice I can employ to keep identical code snippets in two places in sync?

              To never have identical code snippets in any more than a single place, ever. Don’t repeat yourself.

              There is no good reason to repeat yourself regardless of what paradigm you are using. In your particular case of theta and g, you are correct that OOP makes sense because it seems like theta is necessary data that seems to naturally want to be a instance variable. The key benefit of this is that it solves your problem by eliminating the repeated code snippet.

              But, you don’t necessarily need to use OOP either; it seems as though theta can be thought of as the canonical form of data, in that you always need and operate on theta. So, as long as you have function that returns g and takes theta as input, you don’t need any duplicated code, you just do different processing to produce the theta you want before calling restore_g.

              Your reflexive assumption anytime you duplicate code should be that you are doing something wrong, that you are introducing a place in which error will be introduced later specifically because keeping things in sync like this is a tedious, unnecessary pain.

              share|improve this answer

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                3 Answers




                3 Answers











                Why not call restore_g from F?

                def F(data):
                theta = do_tons_of_processing(data)
                return restore_g(theta)

                def restore_g(theta):
                def g(args):
                return do_stuff(args, theta)
                return g

                share|improve this answer


                  Why not call restore_g from F?

                  def F(data):
                  theta = do_tons_of_processing(data)
                  return restore_g(theta)

                  def restore_g(theta):
                  def g(args):
                  return do_stuff(args, theta)
                  return g

                  share|improve this answer




                    Why not call restore_g from F?

                    def F(data):
                    theta = do_tons_of_processing(data)
                    return restore_g(theta)

                    def restore_g(theta):
                    def g(args):
                    return do_stuff(args, theta)
                    return g

                    share|improve this answer

                    Why not call restore_g from F?

                    def F(data):
                    theta = do_tons_of_processing(data)
                    return restore_g(theta)

                    def restore_g(theta):
                    def g(args):
                    return do_stuff(args, theta)
                    return g

                    share|improve this answer

                    share|improve this answer

                    share|improve this answer

                    answered 4 hours ago

                    Karl BielefeldtKarl Bielefeldt




                        Actually, after meditating upon it a bit more (and getting over my personal aversion for it), I realize now that OOP is the obvious solution.

                        The entire thing should be designed in the OOP paradigm, not the functional programming paradigm.

                        Something like this:

                        class F(object):
                        """description of what `F` does


                        def __init__(self, data=None, theta=None):
                        """If data provided, computes theta. Else uses provided theta."""
                        if theta is None:
                        self.theta = compute_stuff(data)
                        self.theta = theta

                        def get_g(self):
                        """here's how to use `g`"""
                        def g(args):
                        return do_stuff(args, self.theta)
                        return g

                        If I'm not mistaken, that takes care of all my problems. Optionally, I could also add a get_theta method as well.

                        share|improve this answer

                        New contributor

                        chausies is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                        Check out our Code of Conduct.


                          Actually, after meditating upon it a bit more (and getting over my personal aversion for it), I realize now that OOP is the obvious solution.

                          The entire thing should be designed in the OOP paradigm, not the functional programming paradigm.

                          Something like this:

                          class F(object):
                          """description of what `F` does


                          def __init__(self, data=None, theta=None):
                          """If data provided, computes theta. Else uses provided theta."""
                          if theta is None:
                          self.theta = compute_stuff(data)
                          self.theta = theta

                          def get_g(self):
                          """here's how to use `g`"""
                          def g(args):
                          return do_stuff(args, self.theta)
                          return g

                          If I'm not mistaken, that takes care of all my problems. Optionally, I could also add a get_theta method as well.

                          share|improve this answer

                          New contributor

                          chausies is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                          Check out our Code of Conduct.




                            Actually, after meditating upon it a bit more (and getting over my personal aversion for it), I realize now that OOP is the obvious solution.

                            The entire thing should be designed in the OOP paradigm, not the functional programming paradigm.

                            Something like this:

                            class F(object):
                            """description of what `F` does


                            def __init__(self, data=None, theta=None):
                            """If data provided, computes theta. Else uses provided theta."""
                            if theta is None:
                            self.theta = compute_stuff(data)
                            self.theta = theta

                            def get_g(self):
                            """here's how to use `g`"""
                            def g(args):
                            return do_stuff(args, self.theta)
                            return g

                            If I'm not mistaken, that takes care of all my problems. Optionally, I could also add a get_theta method as well.

                            share|improve this answer

                            New contributor

                            chausies is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                            Check out our Code of Conduct.

                            Actually, after meditating upon it a bit more (and getting over my personal aversion for it), I realize now that OOP is the obvious solution.

                            The entire thing should be designed in the OOP paradigm, not the functional programming paradigm.

                            Something like this:

                            class F(object):
                            """description of what `F` does


                            def __init__(self, data=None, theta=None):
                            """If data provided, computes theta. Else uses provided theta."""
                            if theta is None:
                            self.theta = compute_stuff(data)
                            self.theta = theta

                            def get_g(self):
                            """here's how to use `g`"""
                            def g(args):
                            return do_stuff(args, self.theta)
                            return g

                            If I'm not mistaken, that takes care of all my problems. Optionally, I could also add a get_theta method as well.

                            share|improve this answer

                            New contributor

                            chausies is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                            Check out our Code of Conduct.

                            share|improve this answer

                            share|improve this answer

                            New contributor

                            chausies is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                            Check out our Code of Conduct.

                            answered 4 hours ago




                            New contributor

                            chausies is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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                            New contributor

                            chausies is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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                            chausies is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                            Check out our Code of Conduct.


                                What is a good method/practice I can employ to keep identical code snippets in two places in sync?

                                To never have identical code snippets in any more than a single place, ever. Don’t repeat yourself.

                                There is no good reason to repeat yourself regardless of what paradigm you are using. In your particular case of theta and g, you are correct that OOP makes sense because it seems like theta is necessary data that seems to naturally want to be a instance variable. The key benefit of this is that it solves your problem by eliminating the repeated code snippet.

                                But, you don’t necessarily need to use OOP either; it seems as though theta can be thought of as the canonical form of data, in that you always need and operate on theta. So, as long as you have function that returns g and takes theta as input, you don’t need any duplicated code, you just do different processing to produce the theta you want before calling restore_g.

                                Your reflexive assumption anytime you duplicate code should be that you are doing something wrong, that you are introducing a place in which error will be introduced later specifically because keeping things in sync like this is a tedious, unnecessary pain.

                                share|improve this answer


                                  What is a good method/practice I can employ to keep identical code snippets in two places in sync?

                                  To never have identical code snippets in any more than a single place, ever. Don’t repeat yourself.

                                  There is no good reason to repeat yourself regardless of what paradigm you are using. In your particular case of theta and g, you are correct that OOP makes sense because it seems like theta is necessary data that seems to naturally want to be a instance variable. The key benefit of this is that it solves your problem by eliminating the repeated code snippet.

                                  But, you don’t necessarily need to use OOP either; it seems as though theta can be thought of as the canonical form of data, in that you always need and operate on theta. So, as long as you have function that returns g and takes theta as input, you don’t need any duplicated code, you just do different processing to produce the theta you want before calling restore_g.

                                  Your reflexive assumption anytime you duplicate code should be that you are doing something wrong, that you are introducing a place in which error will be introduced later specifically because keeping things in sync like this is a tedious, unnecessary pain.

                                  share|improve this answer




                                    What is a good method/practice I can employ to keep identical code snippets in two places in sync?

                                    To never have identical code snippets in any more than a single place, ever. Don’t repeat yourself.

                                    There is no good reason to repeat yourself regardless of what paradigm you are using. In your particular case of theta and g, you are correct that OOP makes sense because it seems like theta is necessary data that seems to naturally want to be a instance variable. The key benefit of this is that it solves your problem by eliminating the repeated code snippet.

                                    But, you don’t necessarily need to use OOP either; it seems as though theta can be thought of as the canonical form of data, in that you always need and operate on theta. So, as long as you have function that returns g and takes theta as input, you don’t need any duplicated code, you just do different processing to produce the theta you want before calling restore_g.

                                    Your reflexive assumption anytime you duplicate code should be that you are doing something wrong, that you are introducing a place in which error will be introduced later specifically because keeping things in sync like this is a tedious, unnecessary pain.

                                    share|improve this answer

                                    What is a good method/practice I can employ to keep identical code snippets in two places in sync?

                                    To never have identical code snippets in any more than a single place, ever. Don’t repeat yourself.

                                    There is no good reason to repeat yourself regardless of what paradigm you are using. In your particular case of theta and g, you are correct that OOP makes sense because it seems like theta is necessary data that seems to naturally want to be a instance variable. The key benefit of this is that it solves your problem by eliminating the repeated code snippet.

                                    But, you don’t necessarily need to use OOP either; it seems as though theta can be thought of as the canonical form of data, in that you always need and operate on theta. So, as long as you have function that returns g and takes theta as input, you don’t need any duplicated code, you just do different processing to produce the theta you want before calling restore_g.

                                    Your reflexive assumption anytime you duplicate code should be that you are doing something wrong, that you are introducing a place in which error will be introduced later specifically because keeping things in sync like this is a tedious, unnecessary pain.

                                    share|improve this answer

                                    share|improve this answer

                                    share|improve this answer

                                    answered 3 hours ago




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